localhost/phpmyadmin Not Working - Problem Solved

You try to run PHP app locally by installing XAMPP on your computer. 
But when you try it access localhost/phpmyadmin, it shows a deadly screen HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found. Don’t fret! The solution is very simple and easy.

First of all go to apache config

Now go to select Apache “httpd.conf” so now you can see that a notepad file will be opened”.

 Find the word “Listen” using ctrl + F button or go to Edit then select find.

 Replace “Listen 80” to “Listen 8080“.

 Again find another “Listen” now change “ServerName localhost:80” to “ServerName localhost:8080” and then save it.

 “We are almost done to fix localhost/phpmyadmin”

 Step 6: Again go to config and select “Apache (httpd-sss.conf)“.

 Step 7 is to Find “Listen 443” and change it to “Listen 4433“ 

 Step 8: Find “” and replace this with “” and again save it. 

 Step 9: Go to config and select “service & ports settings” and change the port to 8080 and 4433 and save it. 

 Step 10: Restart, the localhost/phpmyadmin is solved. Thank you, also share this !

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